Friday, July 07, 2006

Search Engine Fun

One of my most popular posts I have ever done was Gratuitous Beaver Shot. It gets me all sorts of interesting vistors that I have commented before. Revently the blog GI Korea tagged his entry "Anus Korea". Which made me think, what an interesting search idea.

One of the best hits was for a Korean company exporting bidets. The line:

You can not make clean the anus which has 1,000 wrinkles only with papers. 

1000 wrinkles? Must be one very used or very old anus. Can you imagine the study done to confirm this factoid? I mean you would have to get a decent enough sample size....

One thing that came up that I have not seen on the blogs is a Korea Times article explaining the "diffrent types of girls" cheering during the world cup. What cause the engine to bring up:

Most recent example is ``Ttongsup girl,'' whose name derives from combining the Korean slang words for anus and humidity, literally translating as ``a woman with a humid `bottom'." The woman has her breasts painted to look like pink footballs. She also looks eye-catching from behind, with her hips enveloped in see-through material.

Click through, pictures included.


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