Thursday, November 08, 2007

KTF Accused of Ad Plagerism

In a situation reminiscent of LG problem a year ago, KTF, one of Korea main mobile phone service providers, has been accused of copying a Microsoft Zune ad from the US. KTF's ad agency says the shots are common industry wide and any resemblance is coincidental.
This is one you can judge for yourself. 

Take a look at just the first 10 seconds of the Zune ad:

Meanwhile the KFT can be seen here. Note the last ten seconds of that ad with the first ten of the Zune.

As I said, LG confronted the same allegations about a year ago. See my post on it here. The past article had one of favorite quotes ever, "We borrowed the image, not stole it!"


At February 02, 2008 4:17 PM, Blogger laura said...

your link to the KTF one only takes me to the SHOW site. Any other way to see it?

At March 04, 2008 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An IP lawyer that can't spell 'plagiarism'! Next you'll be misusing 'then' and 'than'.

At October 29, 2012 9:49 AM, Anonymous Julie Anne said...

That a big accusation. Hopefully things would work out fine and their names be cleared.


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